Sunday, May 26, 2013

Digital Story and Final Draft

Pictures from (public domain)

Final Draft - Narration
Hi! I’m Quarter Note and a member of the Note family. I’d like to take you on a journey; an exciting adventure into the world of note duration. Wait, what is duration you ask? Great question! Note durations are how long you play a note. It can even be the length of silences as well! You’d be surprised at how easy it is to remember your notes and rests, well, as long as you know your basic music rules! So let’s begin our adventure and learn all about my family. First, let’s meet my dad, Whole Note, my mom, Half Note, and my brother, 8th note. It’s funny how we got our names… would you be surprised if I told you we were one big mathematical equation? That’s right. Let’s take a look and see how this works. First, my dad, Whole Note, lasts for 4 beats. If we were a pizza, dad would take up the entire pizza. Next, mom, Half Note, is 2 beats. She would only take half. See any connection between their names and how much pizza they take up? Now it’s my turn. I am Quarter Note and last for 1 beat and as you guessed, I take up a quarter or ¼ of the pizza. My little brother 8th Note, is half of a beat and takes up an 1/8 of the pizza. Now that you know a little more about my family, I’d like to mention some other family members that are very important to me, my cousins, the Rest family.  Funny thing, we all share the same first names! We merely have different last names, and of course look VERY different! Notice how notes have dots or note heads while rests seem to have no resemblance what-so-ever. Now that you know all of the Note and Rest family, you are ready to begin music composition. A composition is music written by a composer, or someone who writes music. Tune in next time, as we learn about placing rhythms on the staff and learn in detail about measures and time signatures! This will get us one step closer to creating a true music composition.

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